Got mud? Your carpet may need professional cleaning

Got mud? Your carpet may need professional cleaning

Colorado weather can be so unpredictable. In the spring, the sun comes out, crocuses poke their little heads above the earth, tulips brighten our yards with pops of color and we get lulled into thinking that summer is here.

Oh, but wait, we’re on the high plains. That means Chinook winds, air flowing from the Pacific over the Rockies’ western slopes, can blow harsh conditions in seemingly from nowhere.

Yup, snow or torrential rains may be waiting in the wings! And with each comes wet ground and, unfortunately, mud.

Maintenance matters

Ugh. Mud. Worse, still, it’s complicated mountain mud!

Most Colorado residents know that there is clay, or Bentonite, mixed in with our beloved soil here. The sticky stuff not only creates issues for avid gardeners, it can wreak havoc on indoor carpeting.

That’s why it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re vacuuming your rugs and carpets regularly (once or twice a week) to remove the clay before it degrades your carpet fibers.

It’s also best time of year to refresh your carpeting and upholstery with professional steam cleaning.

Why? Not only is steam cleaning great for your carpet’s health, and your family’s health, chances are people will soon be coming to your house to see you. You’ll want to greet them with a tidy home.

How do we know? Are we clairvoyant? Nope, we just read a lot.

A study in the New York Post revealed the average American is 31% more likely to socialize in the summer than in the winter. During the colder months, we hunker down inside, binge shows and eat hot meals from the crock pot like irises gathering nutrients into our rhizomes.

Then spring comes, and boom, we bloom. To get untwisted from the metaphor, that means we want to see people again. And you want to be ready to bloom, right?

Court the clean

Yes, ok. Enough with the flower imagery. There are issues with the comparison. After all, unlike flowers, most people really don’t like to be surrounded by dirt!

We like our houses to smell fresh and be deeply clean.

Professional carpet cleaning with powerful truck-mounted steam is the only way to go. It’s the easiest, best way to get rid of deep stains in your carpets and upholstery.

Steam cleaning also sanitizes your surfaces to neutralize germs and banish allergens that become trapped in your carpet fibers.

Your home’s carpeting is an important investment. Home carpeting can last 10-15 years on average. With tender care, it can last longer.

A Personal Touch can sanitize your chairs, ottomans and couches as well. Our trained technicians are knowledgeable about many different kinds of upholstery

Spring into action

The takeaway? Get your carpets professionally steam cleaned at least once a year to remove the soluble spots. Vacuuming weekly as well as cleaning your carpets professionally will keep the weather at bay and ensure you have a welcoming, happy house for friends and family to enjoy.

Call A Personal Touch, the best carpet cleaning company in Denver, at 720-344-2870, or use our online contact form to ask us questions or to receive a free quote.

The post Got mud? Your carpet may need professional cleaning appeared first on A Personal Touch.

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