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Luxury Vinyl Flooring – Click vs. Glue

When choosing your luxury vinyl flooring, commonly referred to as luxury vinyl tiles (LVT), you’ll often be presented with two options: click, or gluedown. Both share common ground when it comes to their quality, but there are distinct differences between the two, which we’ll cover in this guide.

Click vinyl flooring is perfect for quick and easy DIY installations, and is fitted as a floating floor. Gluedown LVT is cheaper, which in part is due to a lower tile thickness, although professional fitting is recommended. Gluedown can also be combined with feature strips to create grout-style border around each tile.

Click LVT Flooring

  • Easy and quick to install
  • More expensive and thicker than gluedown
  • Cheaper to fit than gluedown
  • No glue needed
  • Best for DIY

Gluedown LVT Flooring

  • Cheaper product than click
  • Needs a flat subfloor for installation
  • Use feature strips to create borders
  • More expensive to fit than click
Turin Click Dark Grey Oak Luxury Vinyl Tiles
Turin Click Dark Grey Oak Luxury Vinyl Tiles

When choosing between click or gluedown luxury vinyl flooring, there are a number of different considerations before making a final decision. There are many benefits to luxury vinyl tiles, many of which are applicable to both types. However, as well as personal preference, practicality is also called into question. The room’s environment, budget and installation methods all come into play.

We’ve outlined each of the factors you need to be wary of, and how each type of luxury vinyl tile weighs up in each category.


The composition of luxury vinyl flooring remains relatively similar, no matter if you favour on the side of click or gluedown.

The composition of luxury vinyl flooring

The main difference comes in the thicknesses of the two. Click LVT has thicker tiles than gluedown, in order to accommodate the click-lock fitting mechanism. With this being said, the wear layer protecting the design of the flooring is the same whichever you choose.

Room Suitability

One of LVT’s key benefits comes in its room suitability. It can be installed in almost any room in your home, meaning more versatility when compared to real wood flooring.

LVT Flooring Room Suitability

Whether you choose gluedown or click luxury vinyl tiles will depend on the room you intend to lay it in.


Gluedown requires a flat and even subfloor. This is because it’s being glued directly to the underneath surface, and any imperfections could show on your flooring. Long-term, an uneven subfloor will cause damage to the underneath of your tiles. The same is true for subfloors with high level of moisture. Over time, the moisture could seep in the tiles and cause disfigurements to your flooring.

Luxury Vinyl Flooring Underlay for LVT
Timberlay Luxury Vinyl Tile Underlay

Click LVT is less restricted when it comes to the subfloor. However, that isn’t to say that you shouldn’t still take proper care in preparing or repairing your damaged subfloor. Because click is normally installed using underlay, it’s better at hiding subfloor imperfections. Using an appropriate luxury vinyl tile underlay will help to keep moisture at bay.


Rooms with fluctuating temperatures will be better-suited to gluedown LVT. This is because it’s glued firmly to the subfloor, meaning there’s less room for the flooring to expand and contract, which can lead to the floor rising over time. However, you shouldn’t encounter these issues with click flooring in a room where the temperature is stable and controlled.

Foot Traffic & Room Size

Another consideration when making your choice is your room’s foot traffic. Click flooring will be more comfortable, due to the extra thickness and underlay. However, gluedown is less likely to move and feel the effects of increased foot traffic if it’s firmly attached to the subfloor. For this reason, we’d recommend using gluedown LVT in these areas that see heavy footfall.

Woman Walking Over LVT Flooring

Room size also plays a big part. Due to its greater stability, gluedown flooring is recommended for larger rooms. Such rooms will have less joint stability if they’ve been installed with click luxury vinyl. Using gluedown ensures the flooring remains adhered to the subfloor, meaning it’s much less likely lift, or to show vulnerabilities at the seams.

Aesthetics & Comfort

When shopping for LVT flooring, aesthetics and comfort are at the forefront of many homeowner’s minds. Will the flooring look realistic? Will it feel too hard underfoot without underlay? These are important questions you may be asking yourself.

When it comes to the look of your luxury vinyl flooring, there’s often little to no difference between using gluedown or click. The design is the same, and both have textured surfaces to ensure a real wood feel.

Florence Tile Gluedown Vinyl Flooring with LVT Feature Strips
Florence Tile Gluedown Vinyl Flooring with LVT Feature Strips

The main difference comes in the use of LVT feature strips, often referred to as design strips. Feature strips fit in-between each tile, creating a grout-like design that creates a beautiful border. They aren’t compatible with click LVT, as it doesn’t fit between the tiles when the click system is in use. Use feature strips if you’re looking to enhance the look of your luxury vinyl for a more defined finish.

When it comes to comfort, click vinyl flooring can have underlay fitted underneath it. This, paired with the higher thickness, often means it’s more comfortable underfoot than gluedown.

Luxury Vinyl Flooring with Underfloor Heating

With this being said, both options are warmer underfoot than their real tile counterparts. Plus, they’re both compatible with underfloor heating systems, meaning a warmer floor all-year-round.

Installation & Maintenance

Now we get to the real differences between click and gluedown LVT flooring. The clue’s in the name, after all!

As well as the differences, however, there are some similarities. For example, both click and gluedown need to be acclimatised for at least 24 hours prior to installation.

Click luxury vinyl flooring is better-suited to DIY installations. This is because it’s much less time consuming to fit; not the mention, much easier.

Fitted as a floating floor, click isn’t attached to the subfloor. Whilst this is slightly less stable than a floor that’s glued directly to the subfloor, it allows for the use of underlay and is often more comfortable underfoot.

For gluedown luxury vinyl flooring, installation requires each tile to be adhered to the subfloor. This makes the fitting process more time consuming and less DIY-friendly. For this reason, we’d always recommend finding a professional fitter for this type of LVT flooring.

LVT Flooring Maintenance is Easy with a Damp Mop

The maintenance of both floors is relatively simple. Because if their robust nature and water-resistance, you can keep to your own cleaning schedule without worrying about damage from everyday dirt or spillages.

To keep your flooring looking pristine, simply brush or vacuum your flooring on a regular basis. Then, you can use a damp mop or specialised cleaning kit to get rid of stubborn marks and kill any bacteria.

Luxury Vinyl Flooring Cost

Finally, we wanted to compare the cost of both click and gluedown LVT.

Whilst click luxury vinyl tiles are more expensive, this isn’t to say your flooring project as a whole will be. Whilst the materials are more expensive initially, a DIY installation will save you a lot of money. Even if you were to hire a professional fitter to do the job for you, it would take them much less time. This means less installation costs as a whole.

Roma Luxury Vinyl Tile Flooring
Roma Gluedown Luxury Vinyl Tile Flooring

Gluedown luxury vinyl flooring is less expensive than its click counterpart. This is, in part, due to the lesser tile thickness. However, in reflection on installation costs, you may be required to pay more for a fitter to complete your project. This isn’t to say that the cost will end up being the same as if you bought click flooring, as each project is different. You should consult your fitter if you’re looking for a true representation of how much the flooring and installation will cost you.

Depending on your room size, your new LVT flooring may be a significant investment. However, with fantastic warranties across all of our LVT ranges, you can rest easy knowing you’re covered should there be any faults with your flooring.

To Summarise

Making a decision between click and gluedown LVT flooring may be a difficult one. For some, it can be much simpler. It all depends on your specific needs and personal preference.

If you prefer DIY installations, then click is the obvious choice for you. Similarly, if you’re laying flooring in a room with fluctuating temperatures and high moisture levels, gluedown is the way to go.

If you’re unsure on which is right for you, we’re here to help. Get in touch by calling 03308 088777, or email [email protected] for advice from our professionals.

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How can you carpet your bathroom?

What’s the secret to carpeting your bathroom?

Carpeting bathrooms is a controversial choice- most homeowners shrink in fear from the moisture-trapping potential of carpet in such a wet environment. But there are ways you can enjoy the warmth and luxury of a carpeted bathroom- without needing to worry about spills and condensation damaging your floors.

  1. Limit moisture

This is fairly straightforward- if you can, leave a space around your bath and shower covered in LVT or vinyl, and remember to always use a large, very absorbent and plastic-backed mat around the edge of the bath, shower and toilet. Don’t use your carpet as a substitute for a bath mat- doing this will definitely expose you carpet to water.

  1. Use a water-resistant carpet

This is not a catch-all solution, but it will definitely help limit water absorption, while also providing peace of mind for the future. This means using a synthetic fabric such as nylon, which is mildew resistant and extra durable, which will definitely reduce the risk of moisture building up. Wool, on the other hand, while great elsewhere, should definitely be avoided.

  1. Choose a shallow pile

Speed of drying is a big factor in the fight against moisture build up. Ensuring good temperature control and ventilation will definitely help- but your chances of keeping your carpet dry will definitely improve with a shallow pile, where the water can escape more easily.

There are other steps you can take to protect your carpet, such as using carpet tiles, which can be more easily removed, or adding a sub-floor to help prevent water passing through, and using waterproof carpet glue. All of these are worth considering (especially the latter) however they’re more suited to damage control than prevention- if you’re relying on a sub-floor layer, too much water is passing through the carpet. Prevention is better than the cure, and if you take care with your carpet and reduce moisture, there’s no reason you can’t enjoy a luxuriously-carpeted bathroom.

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What Is AC Rating For Laminate Floors?

Laminate Floors and Vinyl Floors come with an AC rating which indicates how much traffic, stains, impact etc they can withstand. To receive an AC rating the laminate flooring must pass a series of tests. So when you buy a Laminate Floor or Vinyl Floor with a certain rating you know beforehand if it will stand up to your lifestyle. At Discount Flooring Depot we only sell floors with a rating of AC3 or higher. This ensured that any floor you buy from us with be able to withstand average household use. 


What Is AC Rating For Laminate Floors?

When looking to buy a new laminate floor or vinyl, the thickness of the laminate or the length of the warranty offered isn’t always the best measure of its durability or lifespan. Most laminates are now graded with an AC rating, which is a much more accurate measure of how tough and durable a particular laminate is. AC stands for Abrasion Class, and it was introduced by the European Producers of Laminate Flooring (EPLF) who must be a fun bunch of people at parties. Most European laminate flooring manufacturers belong to the EPLF.

They develop and regulate industry standards as a means to help consumers understand the differences between the vast array of laminate flooring types out there and make informed purchases to get the perfect floor, just for them.


What Are The Different AC Ratings?


AC1 – Moderate Residential

Floors with this rating are suitable only for moderate residential use such as a bedroom or a closet. We really can’t recommend using an AC1 rated floor for any room of your home, as even the average bedroom gets a fair amount of traffic. The inside of a closet or walk-in the area would probably fare decently with an AC1 floor, but as we said above, we always recommend AC3 or higher.


AC Rating Gravity Falls Twig Lift

Pretty much an AC1 floor…

AC2 – General Residential

AC2’s are suitable for “Normal residential” applications, such as living rooms and dining rooms. They’ll stand up to the average day to day foot traffic, though I’m sure that most of you will agree that the kind of wear and tear your floor goes through in your home could in no way ever be classified as “normal”!


AC Rating Corgi Stampede

“Normal wear and tear”


AC3 – Heavy Residential/Moderate Commercial

Good for all residential applications, and the lowest grade of laminate flooring we stock here at Discount Flooring Depot. This will do the job for the average home and will withstand daily wear and tear easily in any room in line with the wear and stain year guarantee, as long as it’s treated right and cleaned properly. If you want a little more durability out of your laminate or vinyl floor, then read on – you’re looking for an AC4 or AC5.

An AC3 will also do the business in business, too. A moderate commercial environment will be just fine for the AC3 variety. “Moderate” generally means something around a hotel room or a small office. The floor here in the DFD office is an AC3 and three years later it still looks good as new, despite the footfall from nervous pacing, and the wheeling of chairs across it. Common sense prevails here, and a floor that frequently has chairs scraped across it, receives a lot of traffic from high heels and boots, and isn’t properly cleaned and maintained will face problems.

For peace of mind, go tougher.


AC Rating AC3, Sydney Grey Oak

Sydney Grey Oak – Our Best Selling AC3 Laminate

AC4 – General Commercial

Now we’re talking. An AC4 is good for any and all residential applications, within reason. It’s also perfect for general commercial applications, such as offices, boutiques and cafes. Be aware that while an AC4 laminate can be good in a bar, cafe, or restaurant, not all laminates are water resistant, and spillages, heavy duty mopping, or steam mopping will cause severe damage to the floor and could cause it to squeak, or even worse, buckle.

For more on this, check out our blog posts on Why is My Floor Creaking? And Why Is My Floor Lifting?

Premier Elite – 8mm Laminate Flooring – Black Smoked Oak AC4


AC5 – Heavy Commercial

More than enough for all residential applications. Plus it’ll do the business for heavy commercial applications like public buildings, department stores, and so on. Just be aware once more that AC5 means that the laminate is thicker and more durable, but it has little to no effect on the laminates ability to resist water, so care will have to be taken when washing or mopping the floor.


Our ever popular Quick Stone Tile is a wonderful waterproof AC5 flooring option.


Or To Sum It Up…

AC Rating Diagram

Laminate Tips


1 – If water resistance is the issue, thicker floors will only help a minimum amount. Spillages and high moisture will still cause issues, making a laminate relatively unsuitable for bathrooms or kitchens, unless great care is taken. For this reason, we can’t recommend using a laminate for a busy commercial kitchen or bathroom.If you’re set on a laminate, check out our Hydro Guard range. which are fully resistant. Alternatively, we’d recommend our Vinyl floors, which are all fully water resistant and come in a range of styles, from tiles, through to wood and stone effects.


2 – Make sure you’ve got a floor strong enough for what it’s going to be used for. Don’t think that you can skimp and get an AC3 floor for heavy commercial use. Your floor will wear away and break before too long and the money you saved on a cheaper product will be wasted when you have to replace it.


3 – Get the correct underlay.


4 – Leave expansion gaps in your laminate to allow for moisture and swelling, and make sure you leave it to acclimatise before you lay it. The strength of your floor doesn’t mean much if it buckles because there wasn’t an adequate space for expansion left. Spend a little time and effort on correct installation and you’ll reap the rewards from a longer lasting floor.


Have you got any further questions about AC Ratings or installing a laminate floor, or do you have any other great advice for our readers? Let us know in the comments below!

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High Gloss Laminate Flooring!

Say Hello To High Gloss Laminate Flooring

If you’re looking for a floor that’s as bright as you are, then you’re looking for high gloss laminate flooring. This floor is shiny enough to almost see your reflection in if you were so inclined, and while you can see yourself in this floor, can you see it in your home?

All joking aside, if you’re looking for a floor that’ll stand out, then our range of High Gloss flooring is perfect for you. We have a huge range of high gloss laminate flooring that really is a cut above the rest.

These high gloss floors come in a range of effects, from ever-popular grey laminate flooring to high-quality tile effect and wood effect. These high gloss floors give the impression of a beautifully lacquered real wood floor and high gloss marble and tile.

These super shiny floors are available in 8mm and 10mm thickness with a gorgeous glossy coat that will look wonderful in your living room and keep in shining all day long, no matter what the weather is like outside.

The finish on these high gloss laminate floors could easily be mistaken for a high polished and meticulously kept the solid or engineered board. While our high gloss marble laminate flooring will give the impression of genuine tiles.

Glossy Varnished - 8mm High Gloss Laminate Flooring - Grey Wood

Glossy Varnished – 8mm High Gloss Laminate Flooring – Grey Wood

How Is High Gloss Laminate Flooring Is Made?

The manufacturing process of a high gloss laminate is the same as with all laminate flooring. A high-resolution photograph of the desired wood, tile or stone design adheres to the top of each laminate plank. It’s then sealed under a tough, high gloss coating. This finish reflects the light beautifully, giving the room a unique, unrivalled shine. It’s perfect in small rooms without much natural light, as it can emphasize what little light you’ve got and really bring out the character of the room.


Premier Select - 10mm High Gloss Laminate Flooring - Auckland Walnut - 1.882m2

Premier Select – 10mm High Gloss Laminate Flooring – Auckland Walnut – 1.882m2

Laminate flooring has a range of advantages over other floors. We have a wide range of high gloss laminate flooring and It’s got a low price starting from just £7 per m2. It’s got an easy, glueless installation. This means the installation is quick, cheap, and with no mess, and it also means if you’re careful with the tongue and groove or click system, you can potentially lift the floor at a later date and refit it, though we wouldn’t necessarily recommend this.

Plus, a high gloss laminate requires the fraction of the maintenance that a solid wood floor needs. Your high gloss laminate flooring does not need to be waxed, polished, sanded or resealed to maintain it’s shine. A regular sweep, vacuum and mop will remove any dirt or grit and leave your floor clean and polished.

Does High Gloss Laminate scratch easy?

If you treat high gloss laminate flooring right, it’ll remain gorgeous in your home for years to come. Just make sure to be careful with furniture, heels, and small stones and debris on the floor. Your glossy sheen is thick and will last a long time, but carelessness can easily scratch the gloss coating and dull some of the sheens.

High Gloss - 8mm Tile Effect Laminate Flooring

High Gloss – 8mm Tile Effect Laminate Flooring

What High Gloss Laminate Floor is best for me?

For an entirely unique look, you’ll want to have a look at our next gloss floor. It’ll fit perfectly into the most modern of homes. It’s a floor that’ll definitely be a talking point when you’ve got guests over, for all the right reasons. Our Emperor Gloss Frost Oak is really something else.

Walnut Wood – Glossy Varnished Laminate Floor

Introducing our fabulous glossy varnished range of wood effect laminates. This dark high gloss laminate floor will create a refined polished looking finish which will compliment any interior design scheme.

Glossy Varnished - 8mm High Gloss Laminate Flooring - Walnut Wood - 2.02m2

Glossy Varnished – 8mm High Gloss Laminate Flooring – Walnut Wood – 2.02m2

Grey Marble – Tile Effect laminate flooring

Our tile effect dark high gloss laminate floor is perfect for your home if you are looking to have the look for a marble floor but with the added benefit of being much warmer underfoot. It is also much cheaper and easier to install!

High Gloss - 8mm Tile Effect Laminate Flooring - Grey Marble

High Gloss – 8mm Tile Effect Laminate Flooring – Grey Marble

Grey Wood – High Gloss Laminate

If you are looking for a high-quality grey high gloss laminate floor then this is the floor for you! This Grey Oak wood floor is perfect for adding a modern twist to your home.


So what do you think? If you see a floor you like, why not head on over to our website and order yourself a free sample? Go on…


treat yourself to high gloss laminate flooring

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Spring Clean Your Hardwood Floors

In Central Indiana, winter is quickly waning, spring sports will be starting up soon, and your entire family is chomping at the bit for the weather to warm up. You may be noticing areas in your home that need a little more TLC, or maybe you’ve made a 2-week plan to spring clean your home. Got your sights on your hardwood floors? We’ve put together a few tips and guidelines to spring clean your floors. Do your floors need some major work? The hardwood flooring experts at Floor Sand Crafting have extensive experience in refinishing, installing, and repairing hardwood floors. Request a quote today by calling (317) 759-2575.

Clean Hardwood Floors 

Hardwood Floor Cleaning Schedule

In reality, most surfaces in your home need more than a once-a-year deep cleaning, and your floors are no different. So while it’s good to do a seasonal deep clean right now before spring starts in earnest, you can keep your floors looking their finest with more care on a regular basis. 

Every Day Maintenance

Mop up any water or spills as soon as they happen. Don’t allow water or other liquids to remain on your floors for long. 

Every Week Spruce-up

Sweep or vacuum with a hard floor attachment at least once a week. Use a little Bona floor cleaner to clean more stubborn soil marks. For sticky substances, use an ice cube to harden the spot and then lightly rub with a dull plastic scraper. The key is to not damage the finish of the floor. When you’re in spring cleaning mode, use Bona for the entire floor. 

Every 3-5 Years Power Cleaning

Hardwood floors are beautiful, but they’re not immune from regular wear and tear. To protect your investment, consider having your floors sanded and refinished every 3-5 years. This process will remove gouges and scratches, keeping it in great shape for the life of the house. 

For a job like this in Indianapolis, hire the experts at Floor Sand Crafting. With our experienced crew at your service, you can rest assured knowing everything will be done precisely and to your specifications. Request a quote today by calling (317) 759-2575.

The post Spring Clean Your Hardwood Floors appeared first on Floor Craft Sanding.

Caring for your floor

Now that you’ve finally installed the laminate, solid wood floor or engineered wood flooring of your dreams, you’ll want to look after it for as long as possible so that looks great for years.

There’s more involved in protecting your wooden floor than just taking your shoes off before you walk over it (although that does help!), so here is your full guide to protecting your wooden floor properly and making sure you guard this beautiful investment in your home.

Daily Wood and Laminate Floor Care

  • Dirt and debris are quickly noticeable on a wooden floor, even more so than a carpet where the dirt gets engrained in the fibres, so it’s important to sweep or hoover every few days to lift the surface dirt. Make sure you’re using the right setting on your hoover so that the bristles aren’t too low to scratch or scrape your floor when you vacuum. A microfibre mop is also a wonderful investment


  • Use a soft mop to wash the floors once a week with a diluted cleaning solution which won’t cause any discolouration or damage to your floors. Always check the manufacturer’s recommendations for diluting ratios, or make your own natural floor cleaner from everyday household ingredients.


  • Try to remove shoes before you walk across your wooden floors and especially high heeled shoes which can leave marks and indentations in the floor. If you have small children playing in the room with your new floor, a rug or a playmat might be a good idea to protect your floor, and their knees.


  • Heavy furniture should have felt pads attached to the feet so that you don’t accidentally scrape or scratch the floor when moving the furniture or cleaning. These are really cheap to pick up and take seconds to apply.

Different floor types have different maintenance and care practices to keep them in great condition, so make sure you’re following the right advice for your floor type. In addition to the general care points above, here are the essential tips for maintaining the type of wooden floor you might have at home.

Caring for Laminate Floor:

  • Never use a buffer or polishing machine on a laminate floor – this will ruin it entirely.
  • Dry your floors after you’ve washed them to ensure they retain their lustre and don’t show any ugly watermarks.
  • It’s also really important to never leave liquids on your floor as they can stain, especially if your floor is a light colour. The liquid can also get into the floors click system and cause damage to your laminate flooring as well.

For all the information you’ll ever need to look after your laminate floor, check out this handy guide on our website.


Caring for Real Wood Floor:

  • Never leave liquids on the surface of your solid wood floor, as this can cause the boards to swell and buckle.


  • Sunlight can bleach your floors causing them to discolour and look shabby. Tilt the blinds in your room to avoid these shafts of light causing noticeable colour differences, and if you plan to put a rug down on your floor, try and move it around regularly so that the colour differences are more evenly spread across the floor.


  • Solid and Engineered wood floors naturally require more care and maintenance than laminate flooring – they will need to be sanded, oiled or lacquered consistently over their lifetime to retain the same gleam they had when they were first installed. However, they also can last for generations when looked after properly, so a little bit of extra attention on your part is definitely worth it.

For everything, you need to know about the long term upkeep of a solid wooden floor, see our comprehensive guide on the website.

Man Applying Care to Wood Floor

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Herringbone Flooring in Your Home: 6 Styles

Keeping up with interior design trends can be difficult. If you plan on making upgrades to your home, there are a number of key decisions to make. Do you want to create a modern living space, or take a more traditional approach? Luckily, herringbone flooring covers the full spectrum when it comes to beautiful interiors.

When it comes to home renovations, your own style needs to be prominent throughout. After all, you’re the one who will be living in it. If you’re not comfortable or in love with your own home, then how can you expect others to be?

Herringbone flooring comes in many different colours and variations. Whilst some lend themselves to contemporary interiors, others will look just as at home in older interiors – just as they did when herringbone wood flooring first made its way into homes in the late 16th Century.

A form of parquet flooring, herringbone arranges wooden blocks in a zig-zag pattern to produce beautiful results. This is how parquet flooring is defined – using wooden blocks to create geometric patterns.

We’ve collated our six favourite home interiors that use herringbone flooring in different ways. Hopefully, this can give you some inspiration if you’re considering herringbone for your home!

Grey Herringbone Flooring

If you’re looking to combine two of the hottest interior trends, then grey wood flooring in a herringbone pattern is a perfect choice. Beautiful, eye-catching, hard-wearing, versatile – grey herringbone ticks all of those boxes and more.


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Featured above is our Marylebone Apollo Grey Oak. It’s an engineered wood, so it boasts an authentic wood look and feel. It’s also a flooring that’s suitable for use with underfloor heating.

Herringbone on Herringbone

Herringbone Flooring with DIY Herringbone Table
Unfinished Parquet Oak Solid Wood Flooring

If you can’t get enough of the herringbone design, why not double-up? We love how this dining room uses herringbone parquet on both the floors and the table! If you like this style and fancy taking it on, one of our customers made a great DIY herringbone table. If not, you can buy handmade tables in a range of sizes and styles, whilst supporting small businesses, on Etsy.

Combine with Velvet Upholstery

Herringbone Flooring with Velvet Upholstered Furniture
Unfinished Solid Oak Parquet Block

Herringbone is a dynamic design choice when it comes to wood flooring. Meaning, it can be combined with a varied range of styles to suit your personal taste. We love how this home uses velvet-upholstered furniture to complement the natural tones of this parquet.

Herringbone Parquet in Your Kitchen

It’s now a common occurrence to see the herringbone pattern in kitchens. A match for both traditional and modern kitchen units and appliances, it oozes class regardless of its setting.


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If you do plan on using herringbone parquet in your kitchen, we advise you use an engineered wood. Because of its composition, it’s less susceptible to damage from fluctuating temperatures or moisture. You could even substitute the real wood for herringbone luxury vinyl tiles, which are even more suited to life in a busy family kitchen.

Experiment with Different Colours

Herringbone Parquet with Different Coloured Design Elements

Herringbone doesn’t always need to play the leading role in your home’s interior design. It can be a subtle element that simply complements bright colours and varied textures. This room features a gallery wall, memorabilia and different coloured furniture

A Luxurious Living Room

Herringbone Oak Wood Flooring in Living Room
Park Avenue – Herringbone Natural Oak, Brushed and Oiled Solid Wood Flooring

We’ve seen it in kitchens, but herringbone wood flooring also works perfectly in living rooms and lounge areas. A lightly-coloured wood will make the most of natural light and can make a room look bigger. It’s also better-equipped for accidental spills – ideal if you have young children or a significantly clumsy other half.

Herringbone wood flooring can make a huge difference to your home improvement project. With its popularity showing no signs of slowing, there’s no doubt this is a design choice that will stand the test of time.

If you’d like to order free herringbone samples, you can do so online. For advice on styles and what would work best in your home, our friendly expert team are on-hand to help. Call 03308 088777 or email [email protected] today.

The post Herringbone Flooring in Your Home: 6 Styles appeared first on Direct Wood Flooring Blog.

How much does it cost to install Laminate Flooring?

How much does it cost to install laminate flooring?

Standard fitting cost for a laminate is between £8 – £12 per square meter.

When pricing the cost of installing laminate flooring, sometimes you can be in for an unexpected surprise. The cost of the actual work of installing the floor can actually rival the price of the floor itself.

Crazy, right?

Laminate flooring can be picked up for as low as less than £6.50 per square meter, but a standard installation could cost anywhere between £8 to £12 per metre squared. Most fitters will charge per metre squared, while others will charge a daily rate – generally around £150.

Most fitters or installation companies offer a free, no obligation estimation service so it is advised that you get a few quotes to compare prices before making your decision. There is also a multiple of different fitting systems for laminate floors, so ensure that your floor fitter is familiar with these before proceeding. You will be able to find the type of fitting system 

If you’re looking for a fitter, try having a look at MyBuilder, where local tradesmen can quote you prices and compete for your business, ensuring you get the best deal with well reviewed and legitimate floorers.

Choosing the best fitter to install your laminate floor

The fitter will usually expect the room to be cleared of furniture, so they can get easy access to the floor. Don’t expect them to clear the room for you. Your old floor will then be torn up and disposed of, and the cost of the removal and disposal may be passed onto you. For this reason, it might be a good idea to pull up the floor and dispose of it yourself beforehand, to save some precious pennies. The fitter will ensure your subfloor is sound before installing underlay and then fitting your laminate and accessories.

What’s underlay? We can help with that too. Check out our guide as to Why Should You Underlay Your Floor? We also take you through what underlay goes best with each floor type and subfloor type.

Fitters will put a mark-up on the accessories required to fit the floor such as underlay, scotia and door bars, For this reason, you’re better off buying everything beforehand and having it good to go. It’ll also save any costs if the fitter has to hang around longer or has to order accessories and come back on a different day. We’ve got great prices on everything you’ll need right here at Discount Flooring Depot, so why not order with us?

How much does it cost to install Laminate Flooring?

Our ever-popular Euphoria Dark Flensburg Oak. Would you believe this is a laminate?

If you’re not sure what accessories you need, give us a call and speak to a member of our experienced customer service team who knows enough about floors that it’s kind of depressing. They’re happy to help wherever possible, and love to chat about flooring more than anything else in the world.

Okay, maybe not. But they really know their stuff. You can also use our call back request to save your minutes, and we’ll call you as soon as we can.

Advances in laminate flooring technology and the introduction of ‘click fit’ installation systems has lead to laminate becoming a popular DIY product. More and more, average Joes and Janes who aren’t superhero fitters are saving bags of cash by installing the flooring themselves. A laminate installation kit works wonders here, as does following step by step installation guides.

Need More Help? Talk To Us!

Check out our guide, Why Should You Underlay Your Floor? For advice on why underlay is vital and choosing the right one for the right floor and subfloor.

Have a look at one of our step by step installation guides.

Email us: [email protected]

Call us on 0844 8118 292 or Whatsapp us on  07789 596773

Or request a call back!


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Our Top Oak Laminate Flooring

There are many benefits to laminate flooring options over solid and engineered wood flooring. One of the main benefits is that it is a cheaper flooring option. Our oak laminate flooring starts from as little as £7.99 per square meter (don’t worry we can also work in square feet).

Laminate floors are more resistant to scratches, moisture and general wear and tear. This also makes it easier to clean as well. While real wood Oak flooring is desired for its character and texture of deep knots and elaborate grain. The technology in creating oak laminate flooring has advanced dramatically in recent years.

This has lead to the laminate flooring having a similar texture and appearance to real wood flooring. So our oak laminate flooring emulates the effect of real oak floors without the cost, installation difficulties, or maintenance issues of real wood floors.

We have a huge range of quality Oak laminate flooring options. From the ever-popular grey oak to natural oak parquet, we have quality laminate flooring that will make any house a home. These laminate floors are also suited for underfloor heating and are fitted with an easy click system.

Our most popular Oak Laminate Floors

Our Signature Collection of laminate flooring in a Natural Oak and Light Oak Parquet effect is ideally suited for a reserved living area. This is one of our most popular floors thanks to its herringbone finish. This gives you the look of a parquet floor without the hassle.

Signature 8mm Herringbone. Natural Oak Parquet

Signature 8mm Herringbone. Natural Oak Parquet

Grey Oak effect laminate flooring is an extremely popular flooring design. This laminate floor has an extremely realistic appearance of aged hardwood flooring. With its rich smoked tones and natural grain appearance, this laminate floor is perfect for your hallway, dining or living room.

Sydney – 7mm Laminate Flooring – Grey Oak

This stunning Premier Select 8mm Oak Laminate flooring is perfect in its modern grey colour tones. This shade of grey is perfect for creating a modern look to your space and is a quality flooring option for those who favour a contemporary look.

Premier Select - 8mm Laminate Flooring - Modern Grey Oak

Premier Select – 8mm Laminate Flooring – Modern Grey Oak

All of these cheap floorings are available for free samples.

What Laminate Oak Flooring is right for my home?

With such a huge range of oak laminate flooring available it can be difficult to know what will be best for your home. The two most popular options, however, are Grey Oak Laminate and Natural Oak Laminate flooring.

Grey Oak Laminate Flooring

Grey oak laminate flooring is available in light and dark shades. The light grey flooring is a wonderful way to let some light into your home. The light shade helps to reflect natural light and can help make a smaller space look much bigger and brighter.

The darker a floor the more difficult it is to keep clean as they show up dirt very easily. That is why we would recommend a mid to dark grey rather than a black laminate floor. Dark grey floors can create a modern and contemporary look in your home. They pair well with both light and dark coloured furniture.

Natural Oak Laminate Flooring

If your room has a little less square meterage than you would like a light coloured floor can create the illusion of space. The lighter laminate flooring also masks dirt and damage better as well. Lighter wood floors are better suited for homes with a more traditional design.

How do I clean my laminate floor?

You’ve got yourself a gorgeous new laminate, freshly installed and looking the part in your home. Everything is fine and dandy until someone (who shall remain nameless) spills a glass of wine or a cup tea on the floor.

Especially when they do it at least once a week. At that point, how do you keep your shiny new laminate looking in tip-top shape? Even more importantly, how can you protect it from scrapes and scratches that’ll inevitably appear in a busy house, especially when its full of kids and pets?

Make sure to check out our guide here and have a look at our flooring products that will help keep your laminate looking good!

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Landing Renovation: Karen from The White Approach

If a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well. That’s exactly why we’re proud to share this stunning transformation, thanks to Karen from popular interiors blog, The White Approach. We spoke to Karen about her ideas for her landing renovation, and the difference it has made to her home.

Where did you draw inspiration from when looking for ideas for your landing makeover?

“Inspiration for my hallway makeover comes from my love of interiors and my existing home style.  As a homes and interiors blogger I watch trends and incorporate aspects I feel will suit my home style.  Plants are currently a big trend and I recently discovered I could keep them without killing them off! So decided to include them in the hallway makeover.”

What made you decide to renovate?

“I decided to renovate the hallway because living in a home with four men, there is an awful lot of footfall.  We had a carpet down which was looking very sorry for itself despite my attempts to keep it clean. The wooden flooring I chose from Direct Wood Flooring was not only beautiful, but very hard-wearing.”

Did you fit the flooring yourself?

“My amazing husband fitted the flooring. He is inspirational in his ability to turn his hand to all of the jobs around the house I ask him to do.”

What made you choose engineered wood for your flooring?

“I chose engineered wood flooring because it was both beautiful and hard-wearing. It is also amazing value for money for the quality.”

Manor Natural Oak Lacquered Engineered Wood Flooring
Karen used our Manor Natural Oak Lacquered Engineered Wood Flooring

How did you find the floor to fit?

“From where I was standing it looked pretty straightforward to fit the flooring. My husband is a perfectionist, but I know the fact that there were FIVE doorways to fit into might test the patience of a saint!”

See also: How to glue down engineered wood flooring

Are you pleased with the end result?

“I am over the moon with the end result. I am hoping we can lay the engineered wood flooring in our bedroom and the twins’ room in the near future. It is a real pleasure to go up the stairs these days. It’s so easy to keep clean, has not marked despite the constant people traffic and is beautiful to look at.”


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Would you recommend this flooring and a DIY installation to your friends?

“I would absolutely recommend this flooring and Direct Wood Flooring to my friends and yes, DIY installation saves an absolute fortune.  I am very lucky I have such a talented husband, although the engineered wood click floorboards are very straightforward to lay.”

There are many benefits to engineered wood flooring that make it so popular in high-traffic areas such as Karen’s landing. High durability, plus the ability to sand and re-finish if required, means it has outstanding longevity. Meaning Karen’s landing stays looking beautiful for longer!

You can read more about the renovation on Karen’s blog, The White Approach. The project was covered in two posts: laying the engineered flooring, and the final results.

We offer up to four free samples if you’d like to shop our range of engineered wood flooring. Simply order online, call 03308 088777 or email [email protected].

The post Landing Renovation: Karen from The White Approach appeared first on Direct Wood Flooring Blog.

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