Chevron are parquet are both very different styles of flooring that often get confused. Both are popular options and offer a distinct looking floor. To get a better idea of the differences between to two, we have explained them both detail below.
Chevron flooring explained
Chevron blocks of flooring fit together to create a repeating ‘V’ shaped pattern. The end of each plank is cut at a 45 degree angle to allow this unique pattern to be created. Chevron flooring can only create a chevron pattern and cannot be used to form other styles and designs.
Chevron Smoked Oak Flooring
Parquet flooring explained
Parquet flooring is actually a small block of wood that has been designed to create geometric patterns. The blocks fit together to create stunning designs, such as herringbone, basket weave and brick bond. The most common style of parquet is herringbone. This is the zig zag pattern that often gets confused with chevron. Furthermore, the end of each block is cut at a 90 degree angle to offer a staggered zig zag finish.
Parquet Block Oak Flooring
The differences between chevron or parquet
Here are the main differences between the two:
- Firstly, chevron wooden flooring provides you a zig zag pattern coming to a ‘V’ point at the top of each zig zag.
- Parquet wooden flooring still gives you a zig zag pattern but with a staggered effect rather than a ‘V’ point.
- Also, parquet block planks are cut at a 90 degree angle, whereas chevron planks are cut at a 45 degree angle.
- Both are available in different species of wood with different surface finishes to suit your requirements.
- In addition, both chevron and parquet require a professional and experienced floor fitter to install them.
- Finally, they are both stunning and easy to look after and keep clean.
If you are not sure which style to choose, visit our showroom or order some free samples.
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