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Why Tile? Check Out These Bathroom Remodeling Tips To Fall In Love With It

Remember when we wished for more time at home? Thanks to staying in place, our wish has been granted.

If you’ve been using this time to plan out a bathroom remodel, we want to give you a few reasons to consider tile.

Why tile?

Chances are you have tile somewhere in your home. Tile is one of the most popular materials used in construction, and has been for centuries.

If you head back in time, you would find glazed tiles used in all kinds of settings. Because many were handcrafted, they were used for decoration and to add style and pizzazz in aristocratic real estate.

Today, we use tile everywhere. You’ll find it inside and outside. You’ll find it on floors, walls, backsplashes, and countertops. It comes in small mosaics or as large as several feet wide.

But no matter how it’s used, it’s one of the most durable and beautiful materials you can use in almost any setting.

Why Tile? Check Out These Bathroom Remodeling Tips To Fall In Love With ItPeople choose tile for a variety of reasons. If you want something unique, you can create it with tile. If you want a material that will stand up to all your family can dish out, tile is a great choice. Looking for a DIY material? Once again, all arrows point to tile. It truly is one of the most versatile materials you can work with.

How do you get started?

With any remodeling project, the best place to start is with an idea. So you want to remodel your bathroom – what picture comes to mind even before you start looking?

For most homeowners, when they decide to take on a project, they have certain things in mind. Maybe your bathroom is straight out of the 90s – an upgrade is desperately needed.

That’s your starting point. Now it’s time to come up with your ideas.

We always recommend watching home improvement shows, or visiting Pinterest and creating a pinboard with your favorite ideas. Keep in mind that you can’t create a luxurious spa retreat if you only have the space of a tiny bathroom. Be reasonable with your ideas. If you plan on knocking down walls, by all means, dream. But if you have certain specifications that impact your final selection, keep those in mind while you dream.

Where do you want tile?

Very quickly, you’ll discover that tile can be placed anywhere. On the floor. On the wall. On the vanity. Backsplashes. Shower stalls. On the ceiling.

We’re seeing tile used in many different ways today. You can use it as an accent, or as the main attraction. Why not mix them both – interweave small glass tiles with larger stones to create an opulent spa shower.

If you’re doing this yourself, measuring will be the key to your success. Consider the logistics of how your bathroom is laid out, and where you’ll be installing the tile in the end. Will you lift up the toilet and tile underneath? Will you be replacing the vanity and require tile to extend from corner to corner? Will you have to piece a design together around a window?

You’ll also want to keep in mind you’ll probably need extras. If you have to cut pieces to fit into corners, or with a hole to fit your plumbing, you might have breakage. Having extra on hand will ensure the color remains true throughout the project. And if you have even more, you can set some aside in case you stain or break one in the future.

Bring samples into your space

One of the biggest mistakes people make is basing their final selections off of what they see in the store. What looks good in a large open space with harsh lighting will never show you how it will appear when you tuck it into your bathroom.

Narrow your choices down to a few selections. Then bring them home and live with them for a bit. See them in the morning, in natural sunlight, and late at night. One will naturally move forward on your “yes” list, while the others migrate back into the pile.

Trust your instincts. If you don’t like it as a sample, you probably won’t enjoy it for the long term. If your gut says “this is it”, you’re probably right.

Go for the extras

Spa showers are the rage right now. People are remodeling to create space for a walk-in, spa-like shower experience. And we get it – they’re beautiful and functional at the same time.

Yet it’s easy to focus on the price tag and ignore some of the extras that can make your shower even better. That’s where customization comes into play.

If you work with a contractor, chances are they’ll talk with you about storage. Have bottles on the floor always bothered you with your current shower stall? Then why not consider a shower niche?

This is an indention in the wall designed for storage. It provides you with space to keep bottles, soap, brushes, and razors all within easy reach.

It’s worth the effort.

Rely on others

While we’ll always tell you to trust your gut, it’s also important to seek help along the way.

Whether you rely on one of our flooring experts to walk you through your DIY project, or you’re hiring a contractor to do the entire project for you, it’s a good idea to ask questions along the way.

Each of the people you come in contact with has experience in tiling projects. They know what works, what looks good, and what their clients like for years to come.

If they make a recommendation, it’s for a reason. Listen. Then take action.

A contractor’s job is to ensure you’re happy with the result. They won’t push you into specific colors, shapes, or sizes, without reason. They make suggestions because they know what looks good and works well together. Their job is to make you happy – and they do that by making the best suggestions they can with your situation and constraints.

Are you considering a remodeling project? Why not consider tile.

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Moving In Tips So You Don’t Scratch Your Hardwood Floors

Have you put your house on the market, wanting to find another place to call home?

Are you building a new home, and can’t wait to move in?

It’s springtime, the most popular time of the year to make a move. According to Census data, the average American will move 11.7 times in their lifetime. That works out to about every seven to ten years.

Of course, we move for many different reasons. We head off to college. We buy our first homes. We upgrade when our families start to grow. We downsize when we return to an empty nest. We’re always in the search for the right amount of space.

But through it all, one thing never wanes; our desire for personalization and classic good looks. We want our personalities to shine in the places we call home. And for many of us, that means having hardwood flooring throughout.

Moving is hard on hardwood floors. While you might start out with the best intentions, after several dozen boxes, everything becomes a little heavier. You forget to lift. And solid wood furniture, heavy bedroom sets, and refrigerators become even more difficult to move.

That’s when your floors are the most vulnerable. That’s when it’s easy to scratch your hardwood floors. And that can be an expensive endeavor to recover from.

If you’re planning a move anytime soon, keep these moving tips in mind before you move your first piece of furniture. With just a little forethought, you can avoid the problem, and have beautiful hardwood flooring in place when the last box is carried outside your door.Moving In Tips So You Don’t Scratch Your Hardwood Floors

Clean as you go

Cleaning is the least exciting job any of us do. And as you’re moving, clean-up takes on an entirely different meaning. Once the refrigerator is emptied, all you see is mess staring back at you. And what’s that in the back of the linen closet – how did it even get in there? Why not wait until the house is empty and start the cleaning process from front to back?

The same applies to the new place. You’ll clean when the boxes are finally gone. But that might not be your smartest move, especially if you want your hardwood looking their best.

No matter how hard you try, dust, dirt, small rocks, and other debris are going to find their way into your home. And when they find their way underneath your feet, a box, or the legs of a dresser or couch, they can cause scratches and deep grooves in the wood.

Stop what you’re doing from time to time and run a swiffer over the hardwood to capture these tiny particles and remove them. Now you can resume your move-in tasks.

Lighten the load

Moving is a lot more expensive than most of us think about. We often look at the big costs, forgetting all the nickel and dime tasks that add up along the way. That’s why many of us look to cut costs where we can – why not fill every box to the brim?

The problem with that is each box is more difficult to handle. You’ll increase the risk of dropping it. You’ll also increase the chances you drag it across the floor rather than lifting it up.

You should also empty drawers to lighten the load or your dressers and shelving units. It will decrease the likelihood of people dragging it to put it in its final resting space.

Hire the right people

Many people try and do a lot of the move themselves, hoping to save money. That increases the chances you’ll get tired and worn out, and will rely on dragging and pulling to get things into place.

At the very least, get as many friends as you can to help out. A few extra hands can get it done twice as fast, and eliminate the chances of dragging things because you’re tired.  Whenever possible, hire a professional moving company to get the job done the right way. If you can’t hire one for the complete move, at least consider it for your heavy furniture. This will make even the smaller job of moving boxes seem easier.

Create a softer surface

Set aside a variety of tools to help you move furniture and other big items into place. Towels, soft blankets, moving blankets, even small area rugs can be placed underneath legs and used to slide furniture into place. Just make sure each of the items is clean and free from dirt and other small particles, and that the soft side is always facing down to the floor.

And never use cardboard to move furniture. While it may make the item move a little easier, you’ll damage your hardwood just as quickly.

Move it on its side

Not every piece of furniture is best moved in its original position. If you have a large entertainment unit, for example, it might be better moved on its side.

This will also push you to empty drawers and take apart loose pieces, and better protect them for the move.

Avoid wheels

You’ll find a lot of moving tips tell you to invest in a good set of wheels. Place wheels underneath your heaviest furniture, and you can wheel it into place. We caution that advice. Sand, grit, dirt, and other debris can stick to wheels and drag it along as you move. It can create deep gauges on your hardwood floors.

Instead, invest in gliders; they are perfect for sliding heavy objects into place. You’ll love them so much, you can keep them around and use them to move your furniture easily for spring cleaning, or a little bit of redecorating whenever you please – new area rug anyone?

Fix problems immediately

Once you’re in place, all the furniture is moved in, and the last box is unpacked, walk around your home and take a closer look at your hardwood floors. Are there any scratches that happened during the process? Is there anything deeper than a scratch?

Don’t cover it up with an area rug, or push it aside to deal with “some other time.”

Fix it now. Call in a flooring expert and get the problem fixed, so your hardwood flooring looks great for many years to come.

Do you have any questions about your hardwood floors?

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Disinfecting Your Hardwood Flooring

There are a lot of people with a lot more time on their hands right now. Many of us are at home a lot more than we usually are. In addition to having more time at home with their families, a lot of people are doing extra deep cleaning because of the coronavirus. One of the areas in your house you might have overlooked is your wood flooring. You can’t clean your hardwood floors the same way you do your other flooring, such as kitchen tile. Hardwood floors can have water damage if you use too much water, so you need to proceed with caution. What’s the best way to disinfect your hardwood flooring? We have some ideas.

Cleaning Hardwood

Why Do I Need to Disinfect?

Many of us are disinfecting our houses continuously right now to stop the spread of COVID-19. COVID-19 is the disease caused by a new (or novel) coronavirus. This virus is new, which means that no one has immunity to it in the general population. While most people who get the virus have a fever and cough, and then recover, others are not so lucky. A small percentage of people who get the coronavirus develop pneumonia. People that are elderly, or who have an underlying medical condition are particularly susceptible. The best thing that you can do to avoid catching the coronavirus is to practice social distancing and keep your house clean.

How Should I Clean My Hardwood Floors?

First, you need to know how your hardwood floor was finished. Different types of flooring have different finishes. Floors that are finished polyurethane, urethane, and polyacrylic are easier to clean, because they are finished to be stain and water-resistant. If your floors are finished with a poly or urethane product, you need to check your cleaning materials to make sure they won’t harm your flooring.

Now that you know what kind of finishing you have on your floors; you need to get started. First, you need to use a dry dust mop to pick up dust and other items–such as food particles–from your floor. Do this first, so that they don’t get stuck in your wet mop because that could cause scuff marks. Next, you can use a cleaner on your floor. Be sure that it is specially formulated for wood flooring.

Once your floors have cleaned and dried, you need to work to protect them. First, you can use runners and throw rugs in high traffic areas, to keep them clean and disinfected. Also, have people take their shoes off when they come to your house. That way, all of the dust, dirt, sand, bathroom and other remnants aren’t tracked through the whole house.

If it’s time for you to change your flooring, we have just what you need. Give a call today at 1.800.689.9006!

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Quick Guide to Subfloors

Your subfloor is the existing floor that is in your property.  There are a few different types of subfloors that you may come across.  It is important that you clean and properly prepare your subfloor before you start to install any kind of hardwood or bamboo floor. Read More

Don’t Let These Flooring Remodel Problems Get In Your Way

It’s easy to get sucked into wanting to remodel your home. After all, an afternoon spent on the couch with HGTV as your binge-of-choice will quickly show you all of the areas your home is currently lacking.

In many cases, it starts with the floor. Those stains and scuffs on your vinyl have been there far too long. The broken tiles aren’t just unsightly, they are also a tripping hazard. And did you ever think you’d be the one with the ugly shag in a color straight out of the 80s?

When most homeowners start thinking about installing new flooring, they start with a top desire. Thanks to many of the remodeling shows, they’ve pinpointed their top choices. But it might be a shock when you start calculating costs and have them fit your budget. That’s where many homeowners start to get into trouble.

You don’t want any regrets with your flooring choice, long before you’ve lived with it for any length of time.

But how do you ensure you won’t live with regret? What flooring remodeling mistakes should you know about, so you don’t make them yourself?

Don’t buy cheap flooring materials

For many of us, we consider ourselves to be great at bargain shopping. We’ll search extensively online for great deals. We’ll watch for sales and even try to talk our way into a better offer. That might work well for some things – you can always find another dress if you can’t get the one you’re after at a decent price. But for flooring materials, it’s a different story.

dont-let-these-flooring-remodel-problems-get-in-your-wayLet’s talk about one example we see quite frequently. A homeowner shops a big box store regularly, and notices a sudden flash sale offering engineered wood planks at an incredible price. They buy it up with the plans to install it themselves. Two questions arise from this situation:

What happens if you run out of materials, and the special offer is no longer in sight? Even the product is long gone off the shelves. In most cases, it was a special run just for the big box store. Even going back to the manufacturer won’t bring you any closer to finding a match.

Where is the material sourced from?  Because these specials are usually created in large quantities, and made for profit, they are often sourced from less than reliable sources. Do you want questionable materials inside your home?

The adage “you get what you paid for” applies here. If you want flooring that will last, talk to a flooring expert and thoroughly understand the product you are laying on your floors.

Don’t skimp on the installation process

Thanks to the HGTV channel, more homeowners than ever are jumping into the renovation process themselves. And it can be great fun.

It can also be a challenge. Nothing can be more frustrating than a home remodeling project gone wrong. And if your floors aren’t installed in the right manner, you’ll experience “wrong” very quickly. Wood floors can warp and buckle. Gaps between materials can be ugly at best. And if you don’t transition correctly from room to room, flooring material to flooring material, it can be downright dangerous too.

If you’re not sure what you’re doing, ask for help. Pay for a quality installer to do the job right the first time. It’s the best way to ensure you have a beautiful and functional home for many years to come.

Select the right type of flooring materials

It’s easy to get sucked into specific wants; we’ve all done it. (You’re thinking about that expensive orange dress you bought when you clearly can’t wear orange, aren’t you?)

You can give the dress away without a lot of heartache. You might have to live with your flooring mistakes for years to come.

If you’re looking at the trendy flooring because they showcased it on your favorite show, back away for a moment. Is it really the right choice for you?

Talk with one of our specialists; they can help you evaluate your needs, and process them separately from your desires. White carpet might not make sense if your family is growing.

Pay attention to how you live

Each flooring choice requires a different level of upkeep. You’ll have to vacuum carpet regularly to keep it looking its best. Hardwood requires a sensitive touch to avoid scratches, dents, and marks.

You should also think about what you do in each room. Do you always complain about spaces being cold? Or is the living space you workout in regularly simply too hard?

There’s a solution for each situation. And that’s where talking with a flooring expert can help.

If your space is always cold, going with a plush carpet might warm it up. Or if you’re set on hardwood or tile, have you ever thought of adding radiant heating below the surface? It might be the perfect addition to your flooring remodel.

Be realistic with your budget

This piece of advice works in conjunction with selecting cheap flooring materials. If you’ve seen an endstand at your local big box store, it’s easy to use those numbers when establishing your flooring budget.

That might not work at all.

Before you settle in on a number, stop by and talk with one of our flooring experts. We can give you real advice on how much it’s going to cost. Because we know the little extras most don’t count on when they set up their budget. Like padding underneath that plush carpet. Or the cost of removal of your old floor.

Is this the year for a flooring remodel?

It’s a great time to stay close to home, and make your home an even better place to hang out in. But avoid flooring remodel problems by thinking and planning a little first.

We can help. Give us a call today.

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Renovation – Should You Do The Walls or Floors First?

What are the two biggest projects people take on when renovating rooms in their homes? Painting and flooring.

It makes sense. Those are two of the most powerful projects you can take on that will impact your home’s decor in significant ways.

In their own right, both are messy projects, especially if you’re making big changes.

  • Are you pulling down wallpaper?
  • Changing the texturing on your ceiling?
  • Adding new molding or wainscoting?
  • Moving from carpet to hardwood?
  • Have damage to your subfloor?

And what about all the problems you can’t see? You only have to watch a handful of the renovation shows on HGTV to know problems may be lurking right under the surface.

With all of that in mind, which project should you tackle first? Should you hire a painter to paint the walls, and bring in a contractor for the flooring second? Or should you have your flooring installed first, and finish the project with a new coat of paint?

Here’s our advice

Evaluate your projects

We’re assuming you’re having both of your projects handled by professionals. Neither your painting nor your flooring projects will be do-it-yourself.

Before you hire either, and set the schedule for the process, evaluate how much work needs to be done.

Renovation - Should You Do The Walls or Floors First?For the painting project, it’s a good idea to talk with your contractor to determine the work involved:

  • If you’re painting the ceilings, the workers will need ladders, and move them all over the room.
  • If you’re changing the texture, they may be scraping or spraying, getting fine dust throughout the room.
  • If you’re removing wallpaper or adding new, you may have glue and adhesive involved.
  • If you’re adding new molding, workers may have sanding and fine detailed work to do.

Flooring has its own share of to-do’s:

  • If you’re moving from one type of flooring to another, there will be prep work to the subfloor.
  • Depending on the flooring, the baseboards may need to be removed and changed accordingly.
  • New flooring can also change the height of the floor. Are the baseboards in the right location?
  • Unfinished hardwood requires a lot of prep work before they are finished, including sanding and staining. How will that impact the walls?

Best case scenario, if at all possible, we usually suggest prep work be done to the walls before the flooring is installed. The final paint job can be completed as the finishing touch after the flooring is in place.

However, this is a personalized process. If you’re working with a contractor, trust their advice. They will usually do what’s best to get you the results you demand.

Want even more information to make the right choice? Let’s look at the pros and cons of each.

Renovating floors before painting


Paint is one of the easiest ways to renovate your home. Painting it a different color can add elegance, give a room a dramatic feel, or freshen things up and make it appear lighter, airier. What’s more, if you get the color wrong, you simply select a different color and repaint. You can’t do that with your flooring. If you install new hardwood, it’s difficult to replace it right away with a different color choice. You might have to live with it for years. And once the color of the floor has been determined, it’s easier for a professional to ensure your paint has the same hue, and won’t clash as a final result.

If you’ve ever been a part of a hardwood renovation, you know how messy it can be. As the floor sander glides from corner to corner, it’s not unheard of for damage to be done to the walls. Chips and knicks are frustrating enough when your wall needs painting; it’s all the more so when the wall has just been painted.


The biggest reason not to refinish your floors before you paint is it’s easy to drip paint on a newly refinished floor. While you can use drop cloths to cover everything up, there’s always a chance the folds of the fabric can move and allow drops through and onto the floor. That would require work to remove the paint, possibly removing the varnish or top coat, and require time and money to fix the problem and bring your flooring back up to good condition.

Painting walls before renovating flooring


This is where it pays to plan ahead. If you have hardwood in place, and are sanding and re-staining, painting first can allow light paint splatter to be easily removed during the sanding process. This changes, however, depending on what flooring you’ll be installing. Paint splatters on new carpet fibers can be disastrous. Paint drips on porous tiles can soak in and change color. If you try and remove dried paint from vinyl, you might scrape the surface or remove the finish.

Depending on how high your ceilings are will determine what tools are needed for the job. Do you need ladders? Fans? Compressors? While a bucket of paint and a roller and paintbrush won’t cause a lot of damage if set down or dropped, larger equipment can cause more damage to your new floors.

Study your approach from all angles before settling in on the best method for you.


Paint spilled on some surfaces is harder to remove than others. Even if you are planning on re-staining your hardwood flooring after the fact, a deep color might penetrate the wood and be noticeable after you stain it.

Some flooring has a more difficult installation process, like unfinished hardwood. Dust from the sanding process can get all over a new paint job, even stick in some cases. And if you have a problem with installation, it might change the way our baseboards have been installed.

Which is best for you?

The final decision is based on your unique situation. If you’re using a contractor for both painting and flooring installation, trust their advice. Flooring almost always is more difficult for repairing and installation. If you drop paint on a newly stained floor, for example, it’s a mistake you might have to live with for the life of the floor. You might be able to sand out the paint, but if it stains, you’ll always see the spot every time you pass.

Take extra precautions, no matter which method you choose. It may seem difficult at the time, but it will more than make up for it in the long run.

Make your flooring renovation a fun project, one you’re proud of for years to come.

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Flooring for Kitchens

A flooring for kitchens needs to be strong, durable, water resistant and able to cope with continuous changes in temperature and humidity. The kitchen is one of the most used rooms in a home, so you will want a practical but stylish floor covering that matches the rest of the décor. Read More

How Does Hardwood Flooring Impact the Look of Your Home?

If you are looking for ways to make a big change in your home, you may want to consider hardwood flooring. Hardwood flooring can change the look of your home and update it. Did you know that if you take out that old shag carpet from the 1970s, and install hardwood floors, you can up your resale figure for your home by 20%? Here is some information on why hardwood floors are so amazing.

Mullican Knob Creek Hickory Saddle Solid Flooring

While you might not know this, many people really want hardwood floors in their houses. There are several reasons people like hardwood floors. One reason people like hardwood floors is because they are easier to clean than carpet is, especially if you have dogs and kids running around the house. Also, many people with allergies prefer houses with hardwood floors, because carpeting traps pollen and dust mites, which aren’t good for people with allergies. Hardwood floors also retain their beauty far longer than carpeting does.

Do you already have hardwood floors? Are they looking a little rough and showing signs of wear? You may want to sand your floors down and have them restained and refinished. When your floors are stained and sanded, they return to the original glory they once had, and work in your home’s resale value favor. What a great surprise to find out how new your home looks with restained and refinished floors.

Often, if you are remodeling your home, and you pull carpeting up, you may find hardwood floors underneath your carpeting, especially if you are remodeling an older home. When you take up the carpeting, and you only find the subfloor, that’s not a problem. We can install a hardwood floor on top of the subfloor. Many people have hardwood in parts of their home, but carpeting in their bedrooms or in their dens. By replacing the carpeting with hardwood, you expand the space inside your house, especially if you have an open floor plan. We are able to match the hardwood you already have with new hardwood to give your home a uniform appearance.

If you’re looking for a professional upgrade, why not use hardwood flooring to redesign the hearth in your den or bedroom? People really appreciate designer touches, such as a hardwood border with design around a fireplace. These are the touches that set your home apart from the rest of the pack.

When you are ready to try new flooring in your home, why not look at what we have to offer? Give a call today at 800-689-9006. We are fully operational as usual and look forward to assisting you!

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Laminate Flooring Cleaning Guide

You will notice that laminate flooring is quick and easy to clean.  You don’t need a range of expensive cleaning products, and you shouldn’t have to spend a lot of time sweeping and mopping.  We have put together this laminate flooring cleaning guide to help you get to grips with the basics. Read More

Don’t Change Your Floors Until You Ask These Questions

Was 2020 the year you hoped to remodel, change your floors, update your fixtures, and give your home a fresh new look?

Is it still in the plans, albeit pushed back a bit?

Use this time to get clearer on what you truly want for your remodel. You can do that by asking these seven questions to help you hone in on what’s really important to you.

What rooms do I really want to renovate?

We all like to dream about the ways we’d like to change our homes. Upgrade the kitchen. Make the family room more open and airy. Or maybe change out the master bathroom to a spa-like experience.

Instead of dreaming about it, start focusing in on the renovation from the ground up. What rooms will you tackle first?

Every homeowner is unique in their approach to home renovation. For one, they might realize it all starts with the flooring because the carpeting is in such bad shape. If they have to replace it anyway, why not upgrade it more to work towards creating the house of their dreams?

If you’ve always had carpet in the family room, and are considering moving to hardwood, for example, it might be more time consuming then ripping up the carpet and laying planks in place. When you’re in the process of changing your floors, you might discover that the subfloor currently in place isn’t well suited for your new flooring material. Renovation will be more detailed because it will require more work to install something new.Don’t Change Your Floors Until You Ask These Questions

Location of the room is equally important. Maybe you want to create a succinct living space, with hardwood throughout the main floor. If the hardwood currently in your kitchen is no longer available, you’ll have choices to make. Do you want to sand your current flooring down and stain it throughout to match? Are you ready to install transitions between rooms to create a beautiful look?

Look through your favorite decorating sites, and start building a pinboard on Pinterest to keep track of your preferences in one place.

What is my budget?

What is a realistic budget you’ve set aside for your remodeling plans? If you’ve only based your budget on estimates you’ve noticed online, or in ads you see for your local big box store, you might be surprised at the final price tag.

Big box stores like to share low prices for products. Yes, they’re offering a low price on hardwood planks, for instance. But they don’t share with you all the other costs that go into installation. Like ripping up your existing floor. Or making it ready for a new one. Or labor costs.

Now let’s add that into a complete remodel. If you’re redoing your kitchen, every step you take might reveal problems you didn’t anticipate. Have you watched the shows on the home and garden network? How many times are the homeowners “surprised” as a problem surfaces, adding 5 to 10 percent to the final budget?

Think realistically. Then add 5 to 10 percent for the just in case. If all goes well, you’ll feel even better by “saving money” too.

Who uses the room? What for?

Are you remodeling a kitchen that will be used several hours each day? Or are you adding in a guest bedroom that will only be used several times per year?

Different rooms. Different needs.

Base your final decisions on what floor makes most sense to stand up to the kind of wear you anticipate. And ensure you consider how much upkeep it will need throughout the years as well.

Do any of your family members have health challenges?

For some families, the best decision you can make is to change your floors to make your home a cleaner place. If anyone in your family has allergies or asthma, cleanliness is everything.

Many select hardwood or tile because they are easier flooring choices to keep clean. Running a swiffer over it daily is much easier than lugging out the vacuum. But other choices might make even more sense.

What about cork? Cork is naturally hypoallergenic. They use natural materials for production, and won’t collect things like pollen, mildew, or other pollutants and contaminants that can trigger allergic reactions. In addition, cork flooring releases no VOCs, which makes it the right choice for many families.

What are your personal preferences? 

No matter what flooring choice looks good on paper, some homeowners have their minds set on a specific flooring product, and nothing else will do. Does this sound like you?

Our suggestion to you is to stick with your personal preferences. And then come in with an open mind.

Let’s say you want hardwood; you’ve wanted it for years, and your remodeling plans are based around installing hardwood. If you come in with an open mind, we can help you make the best choice based on your situation.

Hardwood is ever-popular. That’s why many other flooring choices have gone to great lengths to mimic its classic good looks. What if you could install luxury vinyl tile in the laundry room that is so close to the real thing, you have to get down on your hands and knees to tell it isn’t “real”? Or maybe you want to carry the look of hardwood throughout your home, but tile makes more sense in the master bath. Thanks to today’s technology, you can get tile that looks like wood planks too. And it’ll handle better in a high moisture, high humidity situation.

What look are you trying to create?

Design is everything. We get that. That’s why you’re contemplating a remodel in the first place.

You have a specific goal in mind. You “see” your final look long before you start putting everything together.

Go with your gut feeling. If you’ve always wanted a certain product, then don’t let others sway your final decision. Stick with it. Ask questions to ensure you’re getting the best in the product line. And love your results.

What maintenance level are you comfortable with?

Are you more of a sweep-and-go kind of person? Or do you take great joy in spending a little time in the cleaning process, and making it look great at all costs?

Different flooring options will take different levels of maintenance. It’s important to be prepared for whatever that means before the installation begins.

Also, check in with our flooring associates for recommendations for the best products to use. If you use many of the cleaning products you’ll find on the shelves of the local big box store, for example, you might void the warranty right from the very first cleaning.

Are you thinking of changing your floor this year?

Do your research. Then give us a call. Whether you stop by and see our full selection, or would like us to meet you and go over options where you are, we’re happy to help you select the perfect flooring choice for your home.

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