Maintaining the floors in your home can feel like a nearly impossible task. We use them every day over and over with no way to avoid doing so! At we know that you care about your home and want to keep your flooring looking new for years to come, so we’re here to help! There are several things you can avoid to help keep your flooring in great shape over time.
First, make sure you’re using the correct cleaning products. Many people want to keep their wood floors as shiny as possible, but not every product on the market is actually safe. Cleaning solutions that say they’ll restore your floor’s shine tend to be packed full of harsh chemicals that will do more harm than good. They can seal in dirt and dust particles which leads to a much more difficult time when you eventually need to restore your floors as there will be additional layers to sand through. To best clean and preserve your floors, choose a cleaning solution with as few ingredients as possible. Vacuum or sweep to remove any dust or dirt, and then mop with a damp cloth and dry the floor afterward.

Another danger to flooring is wearing shoes inside your home. Shoes can track in dirt, sand, small rocks, and all kinds of debris that can scratch up and damage your floors, and even stain them. Some people prefer not to be entirely barefoot inside, so we suggest swapping your outdoor shoes for comfy slippers or sandals that you keep inside the house.
Believe it or not, treating your windows can assist immensely with keeping your wood floors and even furniture looking pristine. UV rays are very harmful to flooring and fabrics. If you don’t like the look of curtains, you can apply window film that will block out UV rays while still allowing for natural light to illuminate your home.
Finally, make sure you clean your floors regularly and always tend to stains as quickly as possible. Carpet floors especially should be professionally deep cleaned at least once a year. This will keep them sanitized and looking great. When it comes to spills, life happens! Do your best to clean up anything as quickly as possible no matter what type of flooring you have to avoid permanent staining.
If you’re in need of new flooring, check out! We offer a wide variety of hardwood and laminate flooring as well as stair parts and other fine hardwood products. If you have any questions you can reach us at 800-689-9006.
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