With parquet block hardwood flooring you can create amazing parquet patterns. The small blocks of flooring are uniform in size, allowing them to be installed in a number of different ways. Parquet block flooring is definitely becoming more and more popular again and we think it’s because of the three stunning designs that can be created:
- Herringbone
- Brickbond
- Basket Weave
Here is a closer look at the three amazing parquet patterns:
This is the most classic and widely created pattern with parquet block flooring. With Herringbone pattern your flooring creates a ‘v’ shape. The parquet flooring blocks are laid out at a 45 degree angle so that they interlock against each other in a diagonal pattern. This gives a traditional and classic look to your room.

Parquet pattern: Herringbone
Brickbond is a parquet flooring pattern where the blocks are laid out in rows, parallel to each other, so that your flooring will look like a brickwork pattern. This looks great with parquet block flooring, but can also be achieved with plank flooring as long as you have standard length planks (not random length).

Parquet pattern: Brickbond
Basket Weave
Basket weave is another traditional and classic style. The parquet blocks are laid out at 90 degree angles to each other in square sections. In order to create a basket weave pattern, you need to make sure that the length of the block can be divided by the width.

Parquet pattern: Basket Weave
Although parquet block flooring is versatile, it is worth noting that you cannot use it to create a chevron pattern. If you are looking for a chevron style flooring pattern, you will need to purchase chevron flooring.
For more information about parquet flooring, have a look at our blog: What is parquet block flooring?
We have many different colours and species of wood options to choose from. Why not have a look at our ranges here:
The post Amazing Parquet Patterns! appeared first on The Wood Flooring Guide.

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